Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lahor Lahor aye

I landed on this interesting Facebook community titled, “you know you’re from Lahore when”.

-The morning rush hour is from 6am to 12pm. The evening rush hour is from 2pm to 9pm. Saturday’s rush hour starts Friday morning.
-You buy anything and everything from Al-Fatheh
-Your Massi and Driver have taught you fluent punjabi
-Your broke ass next door neighbour just bought a BMW cuz he deals in property
-A really souped up civic from tokyo drift stops next to you and instead of something groovy, the woofers blare out himesh rishamya
-One of your friends is a butt
-The people in your local Gourmet Bakery know you by face
-The first 15 channels on your cable are dedicated to stage shows mujras
-Attended a shaadi that had to have a mujra
-The only solution to boredom is eating out
-All directions start with, “Go down to Main boulevard”
-You think its okay to wait 5 hours in line for Basheer’s Fish in Mazang, cuz dude! he only opens 6 months a year
-You go to Shahjamal every thursday to smoke weed with pappu sain
-Its okay to run a red light if the traffic police dude doesnt have a bike to chase you
-When someone asks you ”bhai yeh fortress kahan hai”, you have an evil grin on your face and send him to johar town
-If your hungry at 3am, you go to CTC in your PJ’s instead of walking to your kitchen
-Your cousins from karachi ask you about food street and your like “yeah i went there back in 2003?
-Your winning argument about how lahore is better than karachi is ‘Lohr lohr aaye’
-You always count the change before you leave shop, beacuse all shop keepers rip you off.
-You always thank the rude shop owner because he actually “let you buy something from his shop”
-You know that its in evitable that you’ll be “chalaned” on mall road.
-Your cousins from america ask you about malls and your like “Yea we have Pace, but i never go there”
-You go to the daewoo more than the airport.



Anonymous said...

o bhai where's the phajjai ke paye and the diamond market?? xD

guy alone said...

yar han phajej k paye mis hogya e...n rest censor hogya:p